Su Tingiosu
An imposing crag located, as the crow flies, just south of the promontory of Capo Mannu. The cliff of Su Tingiosu is about 2 km long and up to 30 m high. It consists of a regular and semi-horizontal stratification of particularly erodable carbonate sandstones and is exposed to the mistral wind. The environment is unique especially for the morphology of the coast: the marly and limestone rocks, which face the west and mistral sea are, in fact, modeled in high cliffs with many small ravines and caves produced by the corrosive action of the breakers. It is an extremely interesting area for its geological and morphological aspect, in some sedimentary layers it is possible to find numerous fossil associations such as bivalve, ostree, turritelle and very fascinating the siliceous spicules of ancient sponges. In some of these caves, weather permitting, it will be possible to approach and explore them. To accentuate the beauty of this stretch of coast is the presence, under the overhang, of beaches accessible only from the sea. This particular geomorphological conformation must have been the element that favored the transit and perhaps the stop of the now almost extinct Monk Seal sighted in the spring of 2001 near the beach of Porto Suedda, an area bordering the Su Tingiosu cliff. Several species of birds nest on the cliffs, especially birds of prey. It is common to see cormorants stationed on the rocks waiting to launch themselves to catch prey or while standing with open wings, they dry their feathers after a dip. The plant mantle, consisting of a low spot of rosemary, and helichrysum, inwards leaves room for bushy grasses. Rare specimens of dwarf palm are present in sparse form.